



5 Years
07-12-2015, 04:32 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

It had done the trick. Her thoughts no longer centered upon the children she would not be able to find or the wolf that she still feared. Instead, Callisto considered the male at her side, an unlikely companion who seemed to be making a habit of being there to help her whether she wanted help or not. She still could not label what he was to her but could no longer deny that she was beginning to trust him despite her misgivings in doing so. It was awkward ground for her, new and not yet traveled as trust was something she rarely, if ever, handed out, particularly now that she was on her own, and though it made her feel somewhat off balance she did her best to at least appear indifferent to it.

As she stood, her silver-blue eyes continued to look his way, spotting the shift in his own gaze back toward her uncovered and pitifully stocked cache of medicinal plants. Thinking of those pathetic plants, so useless and hardly worth keeping, reminded her of her initial problem to the point that the look on her face dropped momentarily - she should have known better than to think her reprieve would be long lasting - but help was here.

Jakart stepped toward her again, the soft press of his nose to her cheek causing her eyes to blink slowly as he offered her a new suggestion. He knew of someplace that she might like, a gulley filled with herbs that she could find a use for. With a little frown, her gaze finally turned to the dug out hole at the base of the tree, eyeing her plants as she considered Jak's words. New plants would be incredibly helpful, and soon spring would send everything blooming into full usefulness again. She was not that very attached to this new wood either, so leaving would be easy. And after everything else bad that had happened recently she seriously doubted a trip to this gulley could possibly make things worse.

The black and grey wolf ignored the cat, who had reappeared and stood off to one side, still looking irked, and stepped to the base of her tree. From her stores, she grabbed only a few plants, salvaging those that had lasted against the cold and might last longer still, and turned back. Jakart already stood a couple paces ahead, apparently waiting while she gathered her things. With her jaws carefully shut around a small bundle of plants, Callisto walked toward him, the cat trailing slowly behind, and fell into step as he began to lead, hoping - trusting - that this gulley he spoke of would be everything that he made it out to be.

-Exit Callisto-