



2 Years
07-12-2015, 04:57 PM

She could feel her heartbeat slowing as she took in the smells and sounds that surrounded her. From a far she could hear the chirping of bugs and the distant songs of birds. It was lovely. Everything was so relaxing. She could feel herself drifting away into a dream, that was until - a voice startled her awake. The voice summoned the bright azure eyes of the gentle wolf to shoot open, the first thing she could see was a lush plume of white, only for it to eventually all come together in a face she could not recognize for the love of her.

Ep!!! A monster! Nothing like she had ever seen before! It had hair that could hide puppies in it, a short snout, it almost looked like a feline, but more... feathery. Her brows furrowed the moment she remembered what he said. Mutt?! Excuse me, but I am not a mutt. I am pure wolf, from the North; and I don't know what you are, but name calling is pretty rude, especially when it's a first impression. Although she was a tad afraid of this thing, not knowing what it was, she sat down with a thump. Defiantly. There was no way she would let this thing call her names. It was so mean!

And the thought of eating her, it just made her shiver! What on the God's green Earth would eat a full grown wolf? Although she knew of many litters that didn't survive thanks to competition wolves, but even they, she hadn't heard of them being eaten. Perhaps its her naivety, but it was hard to imagine such a cruel fate for one of her species. Are you a Wolfeater? A demon wolfeater! That's what she could call it from now on, without a real species to it, and the only one she had ever seen... it was the only possible thing it could be, especially if it was threatening to eat her... that's what it meant right?

image and code by blu, do not use without permission