



1 Year
Dire wolf
07-12-2015, 06:56 PM (This post was last modified: 10-12-2017, 02:19 AM by Shrapnel.)

Snapping twigs echoed in the lush forest around him, he did little to conceal himself in these surroundings, certain that there was little to no others around. Although he loved to hunt those of his own species - sometimes, they can be too much of a hassle, even for him. Sometimes the drab "smack talk" was too... lame, unoriginal and down right, simply put; boring. Yes granted he was still young, and his head often got in the way, he didn't win every fight despite his size - but that was all about the learning curve to begin with. So long as he didn't die, he was a winner. To lick his wounds and go out hunting another day.

The canape of a large leafed tree was just enough shelter for him to take a moment and clear the cuts on his paws of any sand. The large pink muscle within the cavern of his moist maw lapped up the copper tasting fluid, along with some sandy bits while laying on his belly, comfortable on the new home he had set for himself in a temporary state. With a twitch of his nose, his motion went still. Someone was on the island, and he could smell them.

With an annoyed grunt, the brown leviathan slithered up back into a standing position, his flesh rolling while his body settled into the new position before moving forward again. Following his nose, he could tell it was female... again. A roll of his eyes explained how excited he was for this meeting. Sure he could just leave them alone and wander, but what fun would that be? She didn't smell familiar... so perhaps she was much more pleasant than the other two he had the displeasure of bumping into.

Slithering through the foliage, his still damp pelt dripped as he pushed through the leaves. The lack of sunlight made it difficult for his coat to dry, and Gods forbid he could lick himself dry. Wandering around the forest, he followed his nose at a lazy pace. She was slow moving through the forest, as if she was looking for something... there was a drowned out scent on her, a pack member he had run into - and that already had made his fur stand up on ends and teeth grind together in annoyance.

It was only until his ruby eyes found the earth toned princess, one he had not seen before, to which had already calmed the storm brewing in his chest. Is there anything in particular you are foraging for mein Fräulein? The words slipped out of his vocals just as he pushed through the final leaves separating them.

—  vengeance
image and code by noki, do not use without permission

This character is prone to violence, picking fights, and cannibalism. You have been warned.