



6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-12-2015, 07:19 PM

He was on a quest. A journey all his own as he sought out more to dominate. He had found Arietta, the woman willingly coming to him even after his long disappearance. He had been gone a year? Two years? The numbers never really clung to his mind, either way he was back. And the beast was staring out over the water from the main land to the many islands that dotted the coast. His body shivered only slightly from the cool winds that blew in over the sea, his body pulling him towards the lapping sea water. To see what he could find beyond these lands. He remembered having kept his mate on one of those islands, away from prying eyes. Hiding her in secret from his father. And he remembered another time where he had helped a woman give birth, and it had been successful. What had brought him to do such kind acts? He didn't know, but that part of him had been cast aside during his previous journey. Finally, sharpened claws touched cold waters as the sea washed over him.

Striking out strongly and without great effort, he made his way to the nearest island. It didn't take long, for the island was one of the closer ones to the mainland. The wind buffeted his fur and water threatened to drag him down, but he persevered and kept strong. Head held high above the water to avoid getting the salty sea in his mouth and nose, he pushed on.

Mere moments later, he'd reach the sands. The rocky shore he'd carefully caress with his paws, careful not to slip or cut open his pads. Once upon the shore, he shook himself vigorously, the winds whipping around him would further aid in drying him off later. Gazing around before looking back from where he came, he could see the main land not too far off this new shore, and so he'd turn away and begin walking along the beach towards the forest beyond.

As he investigated the new scenes, he paused. Head lifted and nostrils flaring as his audits picked up a faint sound. Included with the new discovery, the scents of others would penetrate his senses. With a wry grin, the blood stained creature made his way forth. Picking his way carefully through the foliage and terrain as he soon came upon them. Two figures entered his field of vision, one a behemoth that towered easily over himself and others he had come across, and another smaller then he that reeked of a pack. What were they doing out here? Where they here for the same purpose as he? One had to wonder. And so it was without hesitation, he'd silently slip from the shadows towards them a fair distance away, amber eyes practically glowing from his cover. "It seems I've discovered something new." He purred, gaze cast from one to the other.
