
I met a mermaid and she promised me some kids



6 Years
07-13-2015, 12:31 AM
Voltage had somehow managed to keep quiet about their news. Even he wasn't quite sure how he was able too, but...somehow he managed it. Perhaps it was because he knew it was a sensitive thing for Gaia, she didn't feel the sheer and full joy Volty felt. He wasn't scared, but there was only so much that scared him, and it was more the idea of losing than the idea of gaining. He had been so ready to accept a new litter in to their home and under his care, and the news of his parents death had hid the disappointment he had felt when there wasn't one. But it seemed that he had expected a new litter from the wrong people. With a happy hum he'd move along the beach, a freshly caught hare hanging from his mouth. He had somehow managed to juggle his new responsibilities as a soon-to-be father and husband with her Ferax abilities with very little hiccups. He was always ready to be at her beck and call, and still survey the beach and the new territory and be there if his siblings needed them. Perhaps it was all a little too easy? It almost worried him how easily he flowed into this new role without even the help of Glacier. And he hadn't even told his brother yet! With a shake of his head he'd smile around the kill and move towards the den just in time to hear Gaia's soft sound of surprise. Ears would perk as he stepped in, tilting his head slightly and placing the hare down. "I brought you some food.." He said softly, his voice tender as he smile down at her before moving to nuzzle along her neck. "How are you feeling?"

"Burn Baby Burn"