
wait no



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

07-14-2015, 02:36 AM

Tiburtius hadn't really left Fiori recently, but with Momma Ama apparently feeling better and Mother in better spirits after her promotion he decided it was probably alright for him to venture out for a little while. Besides, he really needed to stop laying around alone by his den. It was depressing to be so alone after getting used to having a friend constantly there. He needed to get out more and do more things! He was a year and a half old now and what had he accomplished with his life really? Bacchus and Vitus were both training hard in fighting, his mothers were both high ranks in the pack now, Bacchus had even made a close friend with Abby. He, on the other hand, just moped around and let himself be sad all the time.

No more! He trotted past the border around the Hot Springs and out into the rest of Alacritis. Tib was determined to make this day worth something. He had no idea what of course, but he figured being up and doing something was half the battle. He just kept going till he came to a very strange forest. He looked around curiously, his two-toned eyes taking in all of the abnormal sights. Everything seemed weirdly pale and it made him wonder what made everything like this. He would have to ask Momma Ama about it when he got back, maybe she would know.

He spotted a mostly pale gray wolf up ahead and he smiled to himself a little when he saw she was almost as small as Momma Ama. He didn't think there was any wolves in the world as small as his other mother, but this woman was close. When he got closer he noticed she seemed visibly upset by something and he frowned, his brow creasing with concern. He padded up to her, but of course kept a polite distance like his mothers had taught him. "Hello," he said with a slight smile, dipping his head politely. "Are you okay? Is something bothering you?"

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