
The Weakest Guy Makes It Out Alive


04-06-2013, 06:11 PM

The King could scarcely keep from rolling his eyes as the man gave his opening statement, neither offering forth a name or asking for his own. He also asked to join the pack without a single question. Gerhardt's ear flicked back as his tail twisted behind him. "Do you have a name, stranger?" He might be quick to wish to join, but Gerhardt wanted to know a bit about him before enlisting him in the pack. They were fairly comfortable as they were, and Gerhardt was no longer desperate for members as he had once been. By all means, he did not have to accept this man. Although, age was something he revered, and he would listen to the elder in case he might have some insight. "What do you know of my pack that makes you want to join us without even so much as asking my name?" Head would tilt ever so slightly as his brow raised in suspicion. Just what was this man playing at, not even bothering to give out his name or ask Gerhardt's. Was the that gullible to walk into a pack and pledge his loyalty without even the minuscule formality of a name?


Image by Ruelle.