
where everybody knows your NAME.


04-06-2013, 06:54 PM

Maverick needed a friend. He slithered into Seracia with her perfume still on him, although this time he wished it wouldn't linger long. It only hurt him more to think of her, and how he'd probably never get to be with her without facing strife. He wondered if their love could prosper through such turmoil - if it was even love. He wondered if he wanted it to. Granted, he would do just about anything for the girl, but how long could their relationship last with brothers and family members and miles and miles standing between them? With that much added stress on top of their newly achieved ranks, he could hardly believe they could last forever like this. One - or both - of them would certainly snap under the pressure. Maverick only hoped that wouldn't be the case.

He needed his sister, and he knew - just knew - she would be somewhere around here. Lifting his muzzle he would sing a song for her, not one that demanded her presence, but practically begged for it. He needed to talk things through with her, she was his closest friend - who else would he go to? As his song finished he curled himself into a C shape and lay upon the earth, ears flat against his skull as he pondered over life and how far south things had gone in the past few days.
