
Round and Round

Katja the First


8 Years
07-16-2015, 09:25 AM

The tall alpha was unphased by her questioning, and answered her questions with a neutral air. "It is good to hear that your warriors take such fierce interest in guarding their lands. The world is too dangerous a place for complacency," she observed in return. The back and forth riposte was, in it's odd way, a bit like sparring. Circling, testing for weaknesses, seeking that opening to press an attack or to melt away in retreat. It left a sour taste in her mouth - politics - but negotiation and trade were as much a part of viking culture as battle. She would consider it simply... reconnaissance rather than politics.

"The jötnar are giants," she explained, casting a glance at his form and that of his son. "You have an uncanny resemblance to the hrímþursar, the frost giants, as I pictured them in my youth."

Her calm, pale gaze centered on the younger of the two, the son, who watched so attentively. "It must be a great comfort to know that you have children to pass your knowledge on to, to carry on your family name and support you when you reach your declining years." There was no hint of wistfulness in her tone - it was the same level, cool tone she'd used throughout the conversation - but she noted to herself that she would have to discuss with Kapra or Laufey the need for them to find a mate and continue the bloodline. Perhaps she would arrange a marriage for Laufey - perhaps even with this pack. "Have you only sons?" she continued, faintly curious. The alpha himself did not look much older than Laufey so undoubtedly his children were all unlikely to be over a year old, but Laufey was still young and so the age range would not be prohibitively wide even with waiting for a daughter to reach maturity...

Though perhaps her mind was racing ahead of itself. Arranged marriages were not unusual amongst her culture since a marriage was in many ways a business arrangement, but if her time in Alacratia had taught her anything it was that few wolves here followed the same logical principals, and she was not ready to bind her pack to another in even a simple negotiation such as a marriage, not yet, and she knew very little of this particular pack. But the thought was there.

"Talk" "You" Think