
Playing the Victim



04-06-2013, 09:25 PM

Loccian smiled when she was done, remaining there as Bronze spoke. No questions at all. Hopefully next time I find myself injured I can take care of myself, unless I'm lucky enough to have you around again. That was enough to make her blush, ears pulling back on her head as it turned to the side. He was being so nice to her, it was kind of unusual. Most wolves would simply say what they needed then speak again only if she had something they wanted to talk about, most of the time she didn't. Her tail wagged behind her, not fast but not slow, brushing aside small pebbles and dirt. Lucky enough, just come by Seracia and ask for me. Just tell them I'm a friend and requested you to check the pack out. There should be no problems after that. She said with a small laugh, the first she has ever had in a long time. It, just wasn't something she did a lot. Though it seemed like a joke at first, she kind of meant it as a way for him to come and perhaps join.

With that the shewolf pushed herself up, tail quickly sweeping the back of her legs to dismiss any dirt or leaves that tried to cling onto her. The smile was still there but changed in a way, not bad but also not good, somewhere in the middle. She stepped away from the herbs, slowly and smoothly making her way towards Bronze, grey eyes locked onto brown/hazel. You should join, it would be nice. Yeah there are laws but only common sense. She was now standing beside the male, her tail brushing against his then his back. You should give it a chance. She added softly, close to his ear, moving away, her body slightly rubbing against his as she moved back over to her herbs and looked back at him with a charming smile. What do you think?

It was so unlike Loccian to act in such a manner, it was as if somebody had taken control of her body. How embarrassing. Would Bronze think differently of her now? How would he react. Oh boy, Loccian was scared on the inside even though on the outside he looked calm as ever. What was going on with her?!
