
Rolling on a river



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
07-16-2015, 07:14 PM

"...still have your crown, I see." He dipped his head slightly at this. He'd keep the observation to himself, but if he remembered correctly, the same couldn't be said for Arian. A little bird had told him that her old pack had crumpled. The circumstances that had led to its demise were unknown to him, but it had indeed fallen, had it not? So how was it that she was an alpha again?

The more she spoke the more he remembered of their last conversation. She'd wanted pretty much the same thing the last time she visited. Same as he had before, his answer was, without hesitation, no. Absolutely not. That she felt the need to ask upfront and without any kind of working, mutually beneficial relationship to pad the deal spoke volumes. And those volumes were not in her favor. Her request spoke of weakness and a paralyzing fear of attack without the faintest shred of confidence in her pack's ability to defend itself. An alliance with such a pack would be very lopsided and not worth Imperium's efforts by any stretch of the imagination.

"Cascade has a point," he rumbled. "And in voicing it she solidified the answer I was preparing to give you." He studied the woman for a second before continuing, "My answer is no, and here's why: I strongly doubt an alliance between our packs would be mutually beneficial. I'm aware of the fall of your last pack and I question your suitability as a leader. I don't say that to be unkind, Arian, but I do believe that not everyone can or should rule a pack."

His gaze drifted to Ash and then he sought to nudge the boy with his shoulder. Hopefully he would take the hint and be content to listen for awhile. Valentine's gaze then sought out Arian's and he studied her in an attempt to gauge her reaction to his words. "Running from pack to pack as I assume you have been is not the best way to protect your pack from harm. Neither is snatching up each and every alliance that comes your way. If you want to protect your pack, Arian, you need to look to your members." If she had such little faith in her members then she needed to ask herself why she'd chosen to make them a part of Sonticus in the first place. If the answer was anything less than the betterment of the pack as a whole then she was failing not only herself, but her pack.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.