
A Wonderful Day For Gathering [Training Preston ]



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-06-2013, 10:04 PM

Erani chuckled at Preston?s suggestion for a name. ?They could all be girls.? She gave a soft wink as she moved on. His question on what would happen if Iris was given to a pregnant female was answered promptly. ?It can cause miscarriage, according to my mother, and a few other healers I?ve met in my years.? Luna?s Grace, was she really as old as she was? Seven years? She shook the thought away.

She sniffed, and caught a pungent smell. Her ears perked. ?Ah. Here?s a good one." She set her bundle down and nosed at the chest high stalks surrounded on all sides of the stems with long narrow, stiff leaves. The plant gave off a stronger odor as her nose rubbed across the leaves.

?This is Rosemary. It can treat a wide range of things, including Epileptic Seizures and vertigo. It?s a stimulating herb, antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal. It can strengthen the immune system, and is useful in bringing a fever down. It has warming and heating properties, and help to clear phlegm from the chest and sinuses, and brings excellent relief to those suffering coughs and Catarrh, as well as the simple colds, wheezing and spasms in the throat and lungs.

?It does beautifully for bad headaches, anxiety, insomnia, lethargy and depression. It also aids the easing of indigestion, and helps with increasing the appetite.. Last but not least, it can be used to ease sore muscles.?

She nipped off several stems three inches from the base and added them to her bundle. Then she gathered it into her mouth and continued down the path. She stopped as another plant caught her eye. ?There, you see that plant group with the square purple stems and the long oval shaped leaves with the pointed ends and the dark red flowers? That?s Pink Root. It?s excellent for ridding the intestines of worms, particularly roundworms. However, I wouldn?t use it much. It has several nasty side effects. Dizziness, unclear vision, the heart beating too fast, and even violent shaking of the body.? She left the plants where they grew and moved on, tail swaying amiably.

She paused and waved her tail at a large patch of what, to a warrior, would seem as being common weeds. ?This is Mother?s Heart. If you can?t guess by the name, it has a few properties that can help a female after whelping. The liquid you get when you soak it in a small amount of water is an excellent drink for a female to drink after birthing, to stop hemorrhages. It?s also a good compress for wounds, scratches and bites from insects. This is another plant that should never be given to a pregnant female, for the same reasons. However, in those who are not pregnant, it helps reduce fevers.?

She smiled and padded on. She would gather the Mother?s heart at a later date. It wasn?t long before she stopped again, nodding to a bright yellow daisy-like flower. ?Arnica, though it also is called Wolfsbane, It helps to treat sprains, bruises, muscle pain, and so on.? She turned away, and noticed a plant with large blue/grey flowers. ?This is Periwinkle. It?s a wonderful plant for stopping bad bleeding, sore throats, and nosebleeds. It is also useful for treating pain.? She bent and gathered a few into her jaws, then moved on.