
Do I know this Place? [Arcane/re-joining]



04-06-2013, 10:16 PM

An ear flicked backwards as she heard pawsteps and she glanced sideways to see her sister arriving upon the seen. She seemed as shocked as she had been to see the brute. He was supposed to be dead. Over a cliff with broken bones and not a breath left in his lungs. He had killed himself. Yet here he was standing before them begging and pleading for her to tell him his past. A past he wouldn't want to know and one Arcane had no interest in reliving again.

Crusade's voice came out at first in a gasp and then turned into an odd whisper. Ears pinned themselves against her skull and her tail tucked in towards her stomach as she slowly inched away from him. Her form hunched over as she halfway cowered and moved towards her sister pressing a shoulder to her own for her own comfort and maybe for the comfort of Crusade.

He wanted to know why they were so shocked to see him. Well she'd tell him. All kinds of fury and rage coursed through her. Along with pain and misery at what he'd done.

"Lets see, you used to be a part of our pack. You became my mate and we had kids. Then you went crazy, killed one, and then threw yourself off the cliff. The last one missed her sister so bad that she starved herself and died of disease and lack of food!"

She snapped at him through her sobbing and her tears. It was reliving it all over again, but she did want him to feel the pain of what he'd done. It was wrong, she had loved him so much, but he deserved to at least die knowing of the sins he'd done. It was wrong, but she couldn't hide it. She just couldn't.
