
It's too cold for you here



6 Years
07-17-2015, 12:53 AM

Vereux was ready for her to tell him about all the difficult things that were going on in her life. Though she happened to turn her head away it made him blink for a moment as she started to speak. Not that he should care? She was one of his best friends, after they had been enslaved together he would've thought it would be an unbreakable bond. Though when she went on to threaten Yfir, his fur stood on end. Was she crazy, obviously Katja knew what she was doing it was a woman he looked up to. Possibly because he had to. As she rose to her feet as did he they went face to face. Disgust pulled on his face. Then it was nothing.

"....So someone called you weak..... did you ever think it was a bad idea to visit packs while you're pregnant? What are your members doing? Aren't you supposed to invest your time in them rather than yourself?" he hissed at her his hackles raising on end. His teeth bared back and ears pinned, he was tempted to snap at her but he couldn't bring himself to do it just now. "Maybe they have a point, you have a crippled leg and this entire time all you've done is feel sorry for yourself. You don't get anywhere trying to do things for your own benefit. You start Hurting the ones you love around you. If you think your life is so hard look at mine. I Lost everything! I have no mate to come home to, I have no children to call my own. I was missing for a large portion of their lives, I couldn't love my mate enough so she fell in love with someone else and I wasn't meant to be there. I am an Armada permanently marked by the albino king as his spawn of satan. And now I don't even fit into Yfir. I have nothing compared to you Arian. Wake up and smell the roses. You have a family, a pack, and taking advantage of them is not the way to go just because you're pissed off after someone who obviously knows what's going on calls you weak. You..... are being selfish!" he snapped at her. His teeth came inches away from her snout, green eye locked on her. How dare she try to simply woe him, was he just a pawn. Like any other, he was tired of being walked over. He was tired of losing what meant most to him.

?I speak?