
Millie plots!



4 Years
07-17-2015, 01:38 AM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2015, 04:38 AM by Varda. Edit Reason: Added new character! )
My old thread ended up getting swallowed in replies and lost in the abyss of the plotting board, so I've decided to start afresh with a new, pretty and organised plotting thread. but it will get pretty messy soon, don't worry Pretty self-explanatory, if you're interested, post below.

And now, onto the characters. Drumroll please! Click on pixels to check out their profile :3

Terrae Elementas
Donostrea - Single - Four years - Male

Open for:

Healing discussions and students to teach: Since there aren't that many healers in his pack, loners or other pack wolves are welcome to participate as he's frequently venturing away from pack lands. Plus, who doesn't want extra skill points?
Wounds to heal and victims to save: At times, he can be a hero, so if you're willing to drag your character through agonising pain (doesn't have to be big, don't torture the poor thing) and have them rescued by yours truly, I'm totally up for it. His healing needs to be refined, and what better way to do so?
Family threads: For those who play an Elementas, Terrae loves them to death and wants plenty of threads with them as he feels his bond with some of them isn't as strong as he would like <3
Love interest: He's not really the "crush" type, but if you'd like your character to develop those particular feelings, that's fine with me. Seeing as his other siblings are getting paired off, I think it'd be nice if he found the perfect someone. C'mon, he's already four, the humble and gentle healer needs a chance.

Tinaro Lastic
Abaven - Single - 1 year - Male

Open for:

Mentors and teaching lessons: After getting his training back on track, my Abaven boy is seeking to be a fighter and rise proudly through the ranks. Again, because skill points are cool, he's looking for mentors who don't necessarily have to be from the same pack. Doesn't have to fighting, if you have a character experienced in hunting, he's willing to improve those skills as well.
Friends: He needs more friends too, and again, they don't have to from the same pack although he won't be able to spend as much time with those outside as compared to his pack-mates. He's an outgoing yearling, and I haven't seem him up to enough mischief as planned.
Love interests/crushes: Who doesn't love this stuff? He's already caught up in a love triangle that he's unaware of, and he doesn't happen to return any feelings of the sort just yet. I like to develop things out IC, so if you have a potential interest, we can thread and see where it goes, however, I can't guarantee you that it'll become a permanent relationship.

Titania Oaks
Loner - It's complicated - 3 years - Female

Open for:

Fellow mothers to befriend:
Parenting is a whole new experience for her, and what better way to learn some handy tips and tricks than from other parents? If they've got pups around Azula's age (about three seasons), then maybe we could organise a play-date for the kids and a mature discussion with the grown-ups? After all, her daughter has been rather bored as of lately.
Mentors and students: Since she's got a child in the way, her healing knowledge has begun to fade. Because skill points are nice and all, she would like another healer to help refresh her memory and perhaps teach her more things as well. All the while, she's able to pass on her knowledge with small healing facts to those less experienced and help out those injured or wounded depending on the severity.
Friends: Loners are fine, however, I'm particularly looking for her to meet a couple pack wolves so she can develop an understanding of other packs. Eventually she'll go to join one with her daughter, so it'd be great if she could encounter some of their wolves.

Not open for:

Love interest/crush:
Since her own crush has abandoned her and a foolish one-night stand resulting in a child, you'd think she has every right not to trust men. Right now, she's kind of emotionally hurt and with a girl to look after, I don't think she would have time to develop a deep relationship. Plus, I don't think Azula would take it in very well. Maaaaybe when she joins a pack, but in the meantime, it's closed unless you believe your character is the absolute perfect choice.

Varda Destruction
Threar - Single - 2 years - Female

Open for:

She's determined to learn everything there is, from hunting to proper etiquette and politics. She's more likely to learn towards those from Threar, or at the very least Abaven because of their alliance, however, she may consider those outside of those packs.
Family to meet: Destructions are everywhere, and so far she's only aware of them being in Threar and Abaven, only personally knowing those residing in her pack. I love surprising my characters, and I know she's determined to meet as many relatives as possible and make herself well-known across the family.
Love interest/crush: Because she's exploring what it means to be a woman, it'd be interesting for her to discover new feelings. She's more inclined for those within the pack, or an allied pack, however, seeing as her mother brought her once-rogue father home to Ludicael, why not let history repeat itself? It'd be difficult for her to understand where her loyalties lie, but all the while enjoyable for me to write xD

Zephyra Agatsuma
Loner - Single but not yet ready to mingle - Pup - Female

I haven't played a pup since my other two grew up, but I hope Zephie will be a fun character to write. She's not ready to post yet, but I'm throwing her out here anyway. She needs all the trouble, mischief and mayhem, however, no pup-napping for the time being as she has a family I'd like her to be around. Dunno what else I want to do with her so suggest away.

Anything else not mentioned? Feel free to suggest!