
It's too cold for you here



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
07-17-2015, 02:15 AM

Avalon had left Sonticus lands for a reason today. The woman waking in the nick of time to see Arian slipping away again, and this time she would follow. She didn't want to feel like she was spying on her President, but as a concerned friend, she wanted to make sure the woman would be okay. Especially now that she was heavily pregnant. She knew pregnant wolves could be vulnerable, and although Avalon wasn't inclined to fighting too much, she would protect Arian if the need arose to do so. She walked quietly, always trying to keep herself at a short distance, and against the wind so that Arian couldn't smell her. Where was she going?

They would travel for a while, Arian 's course changing slightly as they came to an area that wasn't too familiar to her. And when Arian stopped, Avalon stopped as well, close enough to hide and keep a sight on her. What was she doing here? Her brows furrowed, she didn't know what others did when they were pregnant, but didn't they usually stay within the safety of a pack so nothing bad would happen? At least...if one had a pack. She waited for a moment, her eyes spying something with Arian that Saif something was wrong...the breeze brought to her, the scent of tears and sadness. Was she crying!? She would begin to rise to her paws to rush to the President's side, but before she could, another scent was carried her way, this one familiar. Vereux? She watched them interact, words of concern first...then things began to quickly escalate. Her ears pinned back when she heard Arian spit words at Vereux, and in turn he had things to say too.

Then he snapped at her, and that drove Avalon to a state of alarm. Rising to her paws, she ran over to them and arrived just as Arian had finished speaking, and the woman would plant herself between them, anger clear on her face and her stance. Her ears were pinned, her eyes burning, and her stance rigid. "What the hell is going on!?" She looked at each in turn, an answer demanded in her eyes. She wasn't sure why they were acting like this, and she sure as hell hoped it wouldn't turn into a fight. She would be torn, between loyalty to her Alphess, and loyalty to her friend.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!