
Let's Begin (YFIR)



7 Years
07-17-2015, 07:30 AM

The sudden whirlwind flurry that was Warja blew in from the back of the group like a tornado of Warja-colored fur and energy. Kass had barely turned his head at the flash of movement before a nip on his haunch startled a yip of surprise out of him and he jumped. He blinked at her as she grinned over her shoulder at him, and an answering grin slowly, shyly spread over his own face as his tail wagged behind him. He was happy to see that she'd made the meeting after all, and maybe he'd be able to sneak in a quiet word about their herb stores before Katja started. He stood and padded after the smaller, gray and black female to where she'd seated herself beside Kismet, and carefully sat on her other side with Rommel on his other side and snuck a glance past her to Kismet, who he'd not yet actually met but seemed quite close to Warja, before turning his gaze to Warja. "Have you been able bring all your herbs here? I've been going through mine and if you want I can..." But Katja's voice beginning the meeting interrupted him, and he forced his attention on the meeting with embarrassment.

Even expecting it all winter, Katja's announcement that they would begin raiding other packs immediately sparked worry and fear within the healer. He had led Ebony into a siege once and though they had won, people had gotten hurt. On the other side of the siege, people had gotten badly hurt. He hadn't even quite come to terms with just how much harm he had caused with that attack, and now the pack was running headlong into danger once again.

But the pack wasn't the same as it had been. Katja was a harsher leader, a better leader than he had been, and the rag-tag wolves of Yfir were tougher and better trained than the Ebony nobles had been. Besides, it was a raid, not a siege - they weren't going with the intention of hurting anyone. They were just taking resources. Hopefully they'd be in and out before anyone noticed and no one on either side would get hurt.

Katja called for suggestions, but only a few wolves spoke up. Not Fiori, not Imperium, he longed to cry out but bit it back. Fiori had been his allies, not Katja's, so while the idea of Epiphron's family member's getting hurt, of Epiphron getting hurt, made him feel sick to his stomach he couldn't come up with a passable reasoning that would keep Katja from Fiori. "I-Imperium in the south isn't.. isn't a good idea," he offered tentatively, and at Katja's glance elaborated. "They're a really strong pack and this is our first raid. None of us really know how to work together or anything yet. Imperium's been together for a while and they know how to fight." He wasn't sure he knew the other packs mentioned. Who was the other northern pack? What was Threar? He probably should have gone through and visited more of the packs than he had when he was an alpha so he'd be less useless now when they needed that information.
