
New Life [joining]



04-06-2013, 10:32 PM

Cifer sat back and listened. He was content to be the silent one and let Gargoyle do all the talking. It gave him time to sit back and evaluate the man's words as he spoke. They seemed genuine enough and though his answers weren't exactly all that to the point or anything he himself would say, it was definitely acceptable. Sometimes it was a bit hard to not judge a wolf too harshly. Not all were all that great with intelligence and words. This man at least seemed to know what family was.

Gargoyle did the honor of introducing him and Cifer nodded his thanks before turning to the brute and replying with his own words.


His words were short and too the point before Gargoyle bean to speak once more explaining whatever questions the boy asked. An ear flicked towards the Chief and the other black tipped ears was trained on the land around them keeping vigilant watch. His gaze remained on Genesis until Gargoyle had said his piece. He glanced at the larger brute as he began to leave before looking back towards the brown male.

"I suggest you meet Asheni, Crusade, Keki, Maka, and perhaps Arcane. There are many others, but those are the main family members of Gargoyle. Asheni is also the Lead Healer. I'll be keeping an eye and ear out if you need me. I'll be assessing how you do."

With that the oddly colored brute picked himself up and then began to continue his rounds.

-Exit, Cifer-

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.