
Kamelot Clan



7 Years

07-17-2015, 11:10 AM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2015, 08:20 PM by Lillianna.)
[Image: LBBljNu.png]

OOC NAME: Keanai
CHARACTER CLAIMING: Lulu :3 Remember, I'm remaking the beauty ^^
Unreligious + Considering what her family is, this is rather surprising. Now, she does not go to the extent of Skinn; she does not hate her god, but neither is she like Earl: she is more or less neutral in her religion, preferring to keep it seperate from her interactions with others. She's much less fanatical, as well, in regards to thinking those that are different in her beliefs are lower than her and needing to 'save' people. She lets Road fight that battle; she is happy to be a representative of her god, and that is all.

Dominatrix + She will bow down to no one - you are either her equals, or you are below her. She will listen to you if she respects you, but no more than that. If you haven't earned her respect and you try to order her... well, she'll promptly tell you to piss off.

Seductress + As you may have already concluded by 'dominatrix', this woman knows she's beautiful - and she uses it to her advantage. Soft, sultry words flow as easily from her as commands do, and often, the two will go paw-in-paw.

Protective + As manipulative as she is, she does have a caring side. This caring side is in the form of her loving canary, whom she will protect and kill anyone who hints at any harm to her beloved Mimi. She also shows this protection to her family, though not so openly - or as vicious.

Possessive + Her loyalty is an odd sort; she has no problem back-stabbing most people, but some she has claimed as hers and hers alone. Those she claims as hers will never be harmed in any way by this woman; rather, she will hoard them close. If those she claims as hers betray her in any way, though, she will hunt you until she catches you, and when she does, you won't be living much longer.


Oh? What's this?" Lulu murmured, gold gaze riveted on the shape in front of her. She twisted her head to look through the corner of her eye at the bird on her shoulder, who chirped at her wordlessly. "Do you see what I see, Mimi?" It was a rhetorical question, but the bird answered in an affirmative chirp regardless, bringing a slight smile to the grey wolf's face even as she continued examining this fine specimen of a wolf.

He - for it was a he, she could smell it - was a glowing, beauteous white, but with red markings. They almost resembled claw marks, over each eye, and on his ears. She could see it on his side, too. She couldn't tll if those were natural, or blood - but either way, it made a smile curve fully on her lips as she sashayed her way towards him. She didn't bother hiding her examination of his body, either, as she approached; nor did she lower the tail that rested slightly above her back. She was not challenging, but she wasn't submitting either.

"My name is Lulu, handsome. And whom might you be?" Glittering yellow eyes sparkled as she spoke, dark excitement deep in her voice. Oh, this couldn't get better.
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.