Perhaps it was simply that she had very little experience with other species but Novella was finding it a little tricky to read Aqil. So far he seemed nice enough, a little strange perhaps though that alone surely couldn't be the reason she felt a little uneasy around him. He would apologise for his mistake, adopting that formal title of 'miss' that typically she would request to be dropped though here, with other things bothering her mind she wouldn't bother.
The question was a rather odd one in her mind. Of course there were different smells to the different people you met, mingled within their own scent would be the scents of places they had been and people they had met. And so, to point out she smelt different to some of the other wolves that Aqil had met therefore seemed a rather obvious and unnecessary statement to make. "I am from a pack called Threar." The Author of said pack in fact, though she wouldn't point out that detail just yet.