
Lo, there do I see my father (RAID)



10 Years
07-17-2015, 09:45 PM
It had been far too long since he had raided. Kaprasíus moved quietly through the darkness, following immediately behind Katja, content to aid her in leading the rest of the group through the night. The darkness was comforting and he quickly grew calm as they traveled, slipping into a steady pace, feeling very much as though he was little more than a specter gliding through the night. Despite his single working eye, his vision felt clearer than ever - he had no doubt that he was being aided by the gods and that their raid would be a successful one.

It didn't take long for them to reach the lands. His muscles burned pleasantly from the travel, though to say he was sore would be a vast dramatization. Though they made some decent headway into the land, perhaps aided by the darkness of night, their presence seemed to be noted far more quickly than they would have hoped. His ears would swivel attentively, his eyes focusing on the apparent leader that had approached them. His demand was clear - for them to leave - and his stance was quite defensive. "Leave?" he would echo, his scarred face tilting slightly to the side, a grin playing on his lips. "Make us." His tail twitched in anticipation, his muscles tensing beneath his coat as he reared back slightly. As much as he wanted to strike one of the wolves that had gathered, he would wait for Katja to direct them - this has been her idea, after all.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.