
Lo, there do I see my father (RAID)



3 Years
07-19-2015, 06:58 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Sleep had claimed Miksa early on in the night but dreams woke him hours later. Visions of the home he had left in order to join Threar, of the cold but pleasant north, had filled his unconscious mind, and as he woke within his den in the east his homesickness settled in. Tightly within the den that he had chosen and fully carved out for himself, the young white wolf shifted, trying in vain to find a comfortable position though sleep now felt far off. His yellow eyes stared half-lidded as he turned to give himself a view beyond his den's entryway, out into the forest of Threar. Again he had to remind himself that this was home, and these kind wolves who had taken him in without a second thought were his new family.

And they were currently up and moving.

He heard one wolf travel past, feet swift but not exactly given to stealth, and his ears perked, waking further with a bit more attention. Another followed only a moment later, just as swift as the first and sounding as if they were hurrying toward something, and suddenly Miksa felt like he was missing something. Anxiety drew the timid boy from his resting place and out into the midnight forest, his eyes pale in the nighttime light that filtered through. He hesitated at first but eventually followed, taking up a slower pace. He could smell the scents of those who had passed before him, wolves that he could not remember names for, but as he followed them he caught other scents too, scents that did not belong to Threar but also did not belong to rogues.

Stomach tightening with a knot, the white wolf quickened his pace, hurrying toward the confrontation that was happening on the border and entering onto the scene behind the others that had arrived to defend before him. He barely had time to recognize what was happening as one of his packmates lunged forward, attacking someone who stood within their border. Invaders? Someone was threatening their pack? The knot in his stomach tightened as his eyes went toward Frith, searching for some sign of direction as he moved forward to stand by the others. He was nervous, confused, but determined not to run away if Threar was being threatened. It was his home now too, and he intended to defend it with the rest.