
you got a reaction, didn't you?



5 Years
07-17-2015, 11:00 PM

When was the last time they had spent quality time together - he and Voltage? Of course, he understood the roles and responsibilities that the leader had undertaken, but it surely was no excuse for him to avoid conversations entirely; even a small chat would satisfy him. The feeling inside of him - it felt like the bond with his family was fading away, weakening with every moment he passed solitarily. He didn't want to be torn away from them, despite residing in the same pack and seeing them on a regular basis. And with his elder brother recently returning from his long anticipated journey, the healer fell under the impression that things weren't alright, or at the very least something had occurred. How could one make a homecoming and resume their usual routine with nothing happening? It was too realistic for his liking, which was why he sought to converse with his brother about these matters, whatever they may be. There was always something to be shared, especially since he felt the notion that he was falling behind with the current pack affairs. Oh, he dreaded the sense of seclusion that had consumed his emotions, constantly creeping into his thoughts regardless of how many times he shoved it away. Ignoring no more, he planned to finally pay his brother a visit, and have a lengthy discussion to make up for the talks they had missed, if time permitted. Assigning small tasks for his hedgehog companion to complete whilst the earthen male was away, he trotted down to the main cave network used for the family's sleeping arrangements where he hoped his brother would still be using within the early hours of the morning. "Voltage? Brother?" Leaning into the cave whilst positioned outside of the entrance, his head plunged into the dim light as he called out for his lightning brother.  

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*