
Good To See You



6 Years

07-17-2015, 11:55 PM (This post was last modified: 07-22-2015, 02:14 PM by Esarosa.)
Esa hoped that he would be able to show her around Threar one day, but only time would tell on that one. He would need strict permission from his superiors. It would be great to see the wide open ocean again, it was so peaceful and entrancing, yet so powerful all the same. Looking out over the vast expanse of water easily minimized one's own problems - it made her realize how truly small and insignificant she was, which in turn made her feel like everything would always be okay. It had been a while since her last visit to the sea, and she looked forward to it, even if she had to skirt along the edges of pack territory and find her view elsewhere.

She perked up as Miksa said he thought he'd been to the place she spoke of, that he'd actually spent some time living there with his pack. She smiled. What a small world it was, that they should both know this place and have good memories of it. "It must be the same place!" she exclaimed, wagging her thick black tail, "I'd say that place is pretty memorable. There's no place like it! Let's go there together sometime!" She hoped he would be willing to meet with her again, though she knew his responsibility was to his pack first. The weeping woods had been her favourite place by far, but she knew she would find other wonders in this vast territory. Certainly there would be other things to awe and amaze her.

She noticed that he was somewhat quiet when she asked about his new pack. He seemed to have to think a little harder about what to say about Threar - she wondered if he didn't have the best impression of them yet, but it would seem he was just trying to carefully choose his words. She giggled when he said they were nice, but sort of quiet. So they were just like him. She hoped they were treating him well and that he was fitting in nicely. If they had taken him in so freely, they must be kind. She was glad to hear that there were many of them, moreso than his last pack - that probably meant that they would stick together for a long time, and not leave her friend homeless. "They sound like a big, happy family," she concluded, nodding with a smile, "So, is there anyone else around our age? Are they easy to make friends with? How about a rank, are you working towards anything right now? It's been ages since I've had to bother thinking of anything like that."

Many seasons had passed since she'd been tied to anything like a hierarchy and following rules and fitting into a ranking system. In a way, she sort of missed the competitiveness and sometimes she wondered if she should leave behind her life of traveling to go back to a structured way of life. But then she remembered her freedom, and how liberating it was to be totally free of expectations and following someone else's agenda.. Maybe someday, but not now. "Well, you don't have to tell me about it now, if you don't want," she added to her chatter, realizing that maybe there hadn't been enough time for him to settle in and get to know everyone - maybe that's why he didn't have much to say about them yet, "We could always go explore that cavern back there instead. It couldn't be as dangerous as the northern mines, right?" She would finish by sticking out her tongue and giggling to herself - she knew he wouldn't go for it, but it was worth a try. She just didn't want to part ways yet, but she wondered how much longer he could stay away from his pack.