
We stand alone, united



6 Years
07-18-2015, 12:09 AM
He felt so numb, everything hurt, everything stung. His whole life seemed to come crashing, and the more sorrow faces that arrived the more he felt it. Every faces he’d have to tell, seven hearts he would potentially break. Dreams shattered, hopes for answers forever unanswered. And he was the messanger...the one who would have to tell. He barely knew who were all there, he couldn’t even tell if everyone was there, but he saw their confusion. He knew the air would be tight with sadness, he knew he did a very bad job at hiding it...if he was even attempting to hide it. Oh, he didn’t have the strength too...they would know soon.

And it was all his fault.

Why hadn’t he left a week earlier? They might have been able, they had been dead for a while. Hanging his head, he’d miss everyone and their words, and yet it all stung so greatly.

He took a deep breath and tried to steel himself against the emotion he felt, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t do a thing. He would look upon his siblings, at their concern for him...for him! If only they knew the horror he had seen..but they would. His teeth would clench then as his throat burned, trying to keep it in, but he couldn’t. Everything hurt, and now he was about to hurt them, his best friends, his life and blood, his world and his everything. "I..." He whispered, staring, eyes wide, brows furrowed. "I’m so sorry.." He whimpered, feeling it all, all the pain he might pass off too them.

"Our parents are dead...I saw them...there was no new litter and they’re gone." Sure he had hated them, immensley, but they had still been their parents. They were the ones that had given life to his...his everything! "Orchid..umh, my new healing friend.."  He’d look at Terrae then, weakly trying to get across the fact that..finally, finally, Voltage had fulfilled the promise of getting him a tutor. "She...said they were gone for a while, and it wasn’t...natural...or by their hands." He said softly, looking down then. His eyes burned as the tears he didn’t know he was shedding fell to the ground. "Serefina...found me on the volcano, and I shared the news with her. She ran see for herself." He had many. "I should have left sooner..."

"Burn Baby Burn"