
Oh Really? e.e



6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-18-2015, 02:50 AM
Vereux Armada. A younger brother to Sin, or so he recalled. A half brother of sorts. His father seemed to love laying with women left and right, a trait Sin had picked up as well. So she knew the boy? He wondered for a moment how the boy fared, if Isardis' sudden disappearance affected the boy. Isardis had abandoned him and his sister at a young age, and even when Sin decided to seek him out later the ghoul didn't seem to care about anyone but himself and his ego. At least Sin cared about his children, even when he left to seek out information he had never stopped thinking about the children he had with Arietta. Enigma, Forsaken, and Paradox were the life blood of him, and there was more on the way now.

When she showed no fear, he wouldn't back down. Unafraid of her little pack coming to her rescue, and even though he wasn't beyond attacking a pregnant woman, he would remain where he was, his assertion of dominance unwavering. "So you are friends with my half amusing. Usually the Armada's don't make ' friend's but to each their own." He mused. Having friends was weakness. Sin never sought out friends, but allies were another matter. The more allies he had, the more he could secure ones loyalty for the future. He never stopped swaying others into following or allying with him, after all, there was strength in numbers, and his numbers were growing steadily by the day.

She went on to tell him that his sire had killed her uncle in combat. And Sin remembered vaguely the seige that had transpired against the weak wolves of Valhalla. Glaciem at the time had struck without mercy, one of their own had been killed, but in the end Glaciem has reigned victorious. But if he recalled correctly, Isardis had massacred Syrinx sometime after the seige, his pride wounded and the ghost had sought revenge. It was like his father to do such a thing, in the end, Sin would have done the same. "Well Alphess of Sonticus, you are right. I am not my father, I'm better then he could ever be. The old man lost to a battle of sickness, not in battle which proves he wasn't fit to be a king. Survival of the fittest after all, and nature picked him off as it should have."

Indeed, Sin didn't care much for his sire. For his sire didn't seem to care about anything but his own pride and greed. And although sin also had pride and was greedy, he had always kept a level head on his shoulders. "As for the hard feelings, that was between Isardis and his foolishness. I am not him. I'm smarter. So unless you or your family crosses my path negatively, then you might as well be safe. You've nothing to fear..." Yet.