
The Sunny Side of Life



4 Years
07-18-2015, 03:44 AM

Nona had just recently decided to leave her and Allen's den for a bit to take some time and go see the rapids again. Usually her time here was quiet and uninterrupted and let her think about things and reflect on what was going on in life. This time though was going to be slightly different as she took her usual stroll to the rapids only to notice a sight of a young wolf that she wasn't quite familiar with personally but knew vaguely as Vail, one of Motif's own young ones which brought a smile to Nona's maw. The dark brown fae would take strides to go and see what the young fae was up to just under the tree. The vor would chuckle gently as she came closer and closer to Vail, "Comfortable are we? might I join you under this tree that which provides shade?". Nona was just trying to be playful in her choice of words and how she wanted to present them.

Perhaps this would be a perfect opportunity to get to know the young Vail a little and just simply have a conversation with her and to let Vail know who she was. Nona would politely introduce herself to Vail as to help let her know who she was and hopefully maybe form a bond of friendship between them. Ink black lips would part from Nona's maw as she spoke gently to Vail, "I'm Nona, one of the healers I help take care of the pack would like to get to know you more if you'll let me" she would giggle a little as she would lower herself and come to a stop just before coming under the shade of the tree. What would Vail think of Nona coming this close to her and not really knowing her would she give Nona a chance to get to know her and get that sort of bond going or would Nona's idea crash and burn but it would never hurt to try right?


-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-