
Lo, there do I see my father (RAID)

Katja the First


8 Years
07-18-2015, 07:49 AM

She recognized the male who appeared in the dark, spitting rage, to command them to halt, but she wasn't sure he would recognize her. They had met only once, briefly, and while he had distinctive markings hers currently blended into the shadowy night quite well. She stepped forward, seeking to close the distance between the two of them to mere feet, gesturing for her eager pack to remain where they were for now. She let her mercury eyes - like shining moons in the darkness lit by starlight - glide over the would-be defenders who had rushed to their alpha's side. A pale young female, who looked to the alpha immediately for guidance, and a snarling yearling, would be heroes. She turned her gaze back to Frith. She cocked her head to the side to stare at him. Halt? Turn and leave? "No." Though little else changed in her serious demeanor, her pupils dilated in excitement, and the smaller alpha raised her head and tail in a dominant stance. "We will not be leaving until we get what we came for. Which, it would seem, would now leave you in a bit of a quandary would it not? Whether to stand down and let these fine young wolves have what they want, or try to force us out with only three defenders." Her lips suddenly curled back in an eerie, fierce grin, and her voice dropped. "I would very much like for you to try." Her body slipped into a warrior's stance, the invitation clear to Frith - and to his sad little heroes. Come get me. See who would be dining in Odin's hall tonight when this was over.

KATJA vs ?
round 0/2