
you got a reaction, didn't you?



6 Years
07-18-2015, 08:06 AM
Voltage had been sleeping, and, oddly enough, rather soundly. It seemed the only thing he really needed to cue he's bouts of insomnia was Gaia at his side. There was something about her that just calmed the inner chaos in his body, that kept his paws from twitching and his tail from moving and, most importantly, his most restless sleeps. Growing up he had often depended on his siblings to help calm the boundless energy inside of him, but this...was unprecendented. So when Terrae arrived to his den it was rather surprising, especially considering that Voltage had not expected it. And for one brief but rather scary moment he had felt the need or desire to growl and react in defense against his earthen brother. Ever since he had found out that his soon-to-be wife was carrying the ones that would be his children, he had felt a great need to protect, greater than he had ever in his life. He would dilligently and quite obsessively be the sole wolf to hunt for her, and he spent most of his time with Orchid learning all he could so in times of crisis he could be the one to aid her medical problems.

But then again, Voltage was always known to be rather and extemely passionate.

His lips did curl however, but the second he realized who it was he covered it with a yawn, stretching his paws in front of him before glancing to Gaia. He didn't want to wake her, mornings usually brought about the sickness and he wanted her to rest and relax. So, without a word he picked himself up, carefully stepped towards the entrance as silently as he could and inclined his head to his brother. He would push out, reguardless of whether Terrae had moved or not, and offered him a gentle smile. "Take a walk with me?" He asked softly, and before he heard his brother's answer he was off, trotting at a leisure pace towards the beach.

"Burn Baby Burn"