
Playing the Victim



04-07-2013, 12:59 AM

At least I have a friend somewhere. So, he considered Loccian a friend now, that was nice. The shewolf had met a few wolves since joining Seracia, but those were her pack mates, they had to talk and get along with her. Bronze though, he didn't have to but still welcomed her company without complaint. It warmed her heart, maybe more than it should have but oh well, all she knew was that it made her happy, and felt a little more special. Why did she feel special? Well, Loccian just, for some reason didn't make much friends, people didn't really want to be around her.

With her actions towards the male the shewolf was incredibly embarrassed, only showing from her ears going back against her head. It was so unlike her to go up to somebody and touch them, and it made her feel even more awkward knowing that she had just done it to Bronze. As she stood there, tail slightly between her legs she listened to what he had to say. Asking if he should join but she could pick out amusement, was there also some flirtation in it too? She shook her head a bit, clearing her throat silently, trying to focus on what he was saying. Perhaps if you promise you'll be there, I might give it a shot, but for that reason alone. Her head had tilted to the side at this, ears pulling off her head and swiveling forward. Was he serious? Would he actually consider it?

I'm serious though... I wouldn't mind meeting the leaders of Seracia and seeing if it's a place I might like to live, at your suggestion. After being quiet for some time the shewolf lifted her head, pushing the herbs into a pile and walking up to Bronze, stopping just inches in front of him, grey eyes looking into his hazel ones. I would like it if you tried, and if you find that you don't like it's system... She turned her head to the side, looking down at the ground as she used a paw to trace lines into the grass with her claws. You may leave, I will visit you and all... But only if your okay with that. Her tail waved behind her as she poke, a bit of hope in her voice that he would actually try to join Seracia. Whatever it was that was causing her to act this way, she kind of liked, it was getting her to talk more and speak what she wanted but at the same time didn't make her do too ridiculous things.

But before that even happens, I need to know some more about you. That way I now exactly who I am inviting into my pack. She grinned, plopping herself down in the grass. She wasn't just saying this to get to know his life, she really needed to know what to expect if he did decide on joining. Locian would feel absolutely horrible to bring him in only to find out later that he was a murderer who was waiting for the perfect moment to kill Sir Gerhardt and Lady Adette. Talking about him would be nice too, better than just sitting around doing nothing with an awkward silence between the two. She hated those moments.
