
you got a reaction, didn't you?



6 Years
07-18-2015, 09:16 PM
His paws would press against the black sand, sinking into the grains as he pushed forward. Stormy eyes would scan the horizon, tracing the clouds on the sky and watching the seabirds fly. It was gorgeous here, he loved it so much. They had really picked a great place. When he heard his brother's voice his ears would perk forward, tilting his head slightly before he glanced towards him. They hadn't spend a great deal of time together, did they. With a gentle smile he'd nod his head slightly. "We have all been rather busy.." He said softly, smiling his boyish smile. "But you'd think I should be the one asking that question." He would laugh then, looking out at the horizon then and sighing softly. Gaia had said it would be okay to tell everyone now, and he wanted Terrae to have this experiance. He wanted him to learn more about healing, that was why he had brought Orchid home anyways.

"How are you...since the news?" He asked softly then, stormy eyes shining with concern. Was Terrae overly close to their parents? Sure it had been years since he knew Terrae had stepped foot on the island, but even Voltage, who held a pure and immense hate for his parents, had been wrought with grief at their passing. "I haven't been very...dependable for you all, have I..." He whispered softly, looking down at the sand then. He hadn't been there for them, through whatever grief they might have...He had been holed up in his little heaven, in his den with his good news.

"Burn Baby Burn"