
Lo, there do I see my father (RAID)


07-19-2015, 11:28 AM

Something was terribly wrong.

Félicien would breathe in, the scent of strangers were upon the land. He would move, coming to find villainous wolves right in the territory of Threar. Body would bristle as he laid eyes on the invaders. There was a snarky comment made by whom he assumed was their leader, the black and silver ticked woman, as well as the man at her side and Féli felt anger swell in his heart. He figured Frith would take on the leader... So the boy set his sights on the tan and brown wolf near her {Kapra}.

“Make you leave? Gladly!” The boy roared.

There was no hesitation on Félicien’s end now. In the heat where it counted most, the boy would drop into a defensive stance. Legs were spread, weight evenly distributed across them. Toes were spread, his claws biting into the soil for a better grip. Tail would tuck beneath his body, his muscles tense as hackles raised across his body. Head lowered to align with the spine, his jaws parted, eyes narrowed, and ears pinned. Lips were left snarling as he charged at his chosen target.

They were going to get blood and vinegar!

Félicien would close the distance of roughly five feet between them in a full out charge. His bi-colored eyes blazed with anger as he rose up on hind paws, shifting his weight to make up for his balance as he attacked. Front claws aimed to come crashing down on his opponent’s eyes, tearing the optics from him as he came down. For now this would be his sole attack, but was the boy finished? Oh hell no. There was going to be more to come once he landed on the ground again.

Félicien vs Kaprasíus || Round:: I || II

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen