
Trust me, I can take you there


07-19-2015, 02:34 PM

Their little dance was coming to and end and he could feel it, the pretty little peaches and cream she wolf hesitated only slightly as he ended his game and named his goal. He'd feel her pull away for only a moment, though he questioned if she would stay or go. In the end though she pressed back into him, bringing more of a grin to his features, and she'd answer him just as bluntly. "Have me then," He'd chuckle darkly as she nuzzled into his fur and gave him full access to her delicate body. He'd lean into her, wrapping his neck around her own to nip and tease at the base of her neck. His large form would slide down her side, nibbling along her spine as he made his way to her pastel hips. He enjoyed what he was doing to her, but she had messed up his game. He wouldn't stop touching her though, he'd learn her body by kissing every inch of her smaller form. He'd tease her, but as he reached her tail once more he'd linger for only a moment longer. "I've enjoyed our time together, Kalliope." He'd whisper as he played there softly. "But we're going to have to try our game again another day." He'd finally tear himself away from her haunches, shifting nibble behind her ears roughly. "I'll be seeing you, darling." He'd give another chuckle before bounding off in the direction he'd come from, leaving her a promise that he would return again.