
Seeking Warmth In Ice



04-07-2013, 06:01 AM

[Image: one_eyed_crusade_by_kidrylm_writer-d5yxnla.png]


Crusade's single gold-green eye tracked the male carefully. She took in his form, his stance and his muscle mass. Old habits die hard so the saying goes, and before Crusade had really realized she was doing it, she'd sized this male up for a fight. She'd made guesses at what attacks he would use first, what his weak points were - judging from the many scars - and how intelligent he might be. This wasn't to say she was coming off as agressive. No. To Crusade fighting was more than a way to settle arguments or gain dominance. It was an artform and a way of life - the greatest dance ever designed by the wolf gods. A good warrior could earn her respect far quicker than any other breed of lupine.

So it was that Crusade listened with interest to the male's words. He gave his name, his former rank, and his former pack. He had a history this one, and Crusade was curious about it. Still, prying wasn't her nature. She was more interested in what a wolf could do than what they had done.Besides, it appeared his birthpack wasn't exactly the perfect home.

The question left hanging in the air was one Crusade took quite seriously. "I think so.." she murmured. "We are as much an army as we are a family - and after just recently coming through great disaster, we've all been reminded that the latter is often stronger than the former. - Glaciem sits in one of the harshest environments you will find. Blizzards, bears, avalaches and wild cats, are threats we face often enough, but if these hold no fear for you, if you are willing to work hard and risk danger for the sake of those who will gladly do the same for you? - then yes, Glaciem could fit you very well."

Crusade had been an Alpha for years and in that time she'd learned to get a feel for character. Her gut, or rather, her heart, was something she'd long learned to trust. In cases like these she was only scratching at the surface of a deep character, yet she liked the look and manner of the scarred male.

"The leader of the pack-," she told him calmly, "-is my younger brother Gargoyle. If you wish to meet with him, it would be my pleasure to escort you."
