
even if the morrow is barren of promise


04-07-2013, 06:04 AM

When it came to her ?episodes? they simply became forgotten the moment she regained her mind. It was a lapse in time, moments, seconds, hours, what ever the amount of an episode would be the amount lost to her consciousness. The fact that he hadn?t mentioned something out of the ordinary hadn?t caught her off guard for to her she had simply continued the conversation from where it had started. Her ears twitched as she listened to him congratulate her accomplishment. Blood, a broken body, a heart lost because of a reckless desire to keep together what had once been, it all flashed in her eyes for a moment as the scene of Sades death came to the surface. It did nothing to hurt her or upset her. No, she felt no regret for the death of the former queen. She had broken the rules they had set and so she had paid the price with her life.

He was curious what it was she offered. Her violet eyes filled with pride for a moment as she spoke thoughtfully, ?A home where all skills will be used for the best of our pack. I plan on creating a home for assassins. We will be skilled in the art of walking the shadow roads and bringing the death to the unworthy. We shall be picky about what contracts we conduct and I do not condone selfish deaths. They must have meaning and good reason for death to find them. We will as well be a home filled with many different personalities. No wolf will be turned away. Everyone is worth something and everyone has a skill that can be used for the better of everyone and themselves.? She said softly. She saw a kingdom of protection for those that could not find statuary elsewhere. A place for them all, for darker to do dark deeds, and the righteous to do what must be done. It would be a home of neutral favors.

?We might not be ideal for everyone but we offer what we can to those that are in need. I am a broken thing what better way to care for others with the understanding of what it is to be broken. I care for whom I rule above. I care about them all, who they are, what their names are, what they struggle with.? She thought of ghost and smiled. She hoped the wolf would find her way into her kingdom some day. She had given her an invitation to shed her chains and be free in her realm. She would even raise her pups for her if she wanted to rid herself of their constant ties to her past. ?From what I understand there are those that care not for their subjects. All they care for are the numbers. Big or small I?ll know them all and know what?s in their heart.? She murmured, it was a promise to the future not to him or anyone in particular but what standards she was putting her own rule to. She would not be like that king ghost had spoken of. The one who made her feel like she was nothing. Like she didn?t matter. They all mattered, every last one of them.

?Enough about my realm, why do you walk the lonely roads? Surly you have someone searching for you?? she asked, she was curious about this wolf. What had brought her to find him? She always thought there was a reason for everything, even if it was small.