
Little sister



6 Years
Extra large
07-19-2015, 08:33 PM
Gaia would reply instantly, looking up at him and shuffling to be in a better position to welcome a guest. He inched into the cave and made his way towards her, settling in at a small distance to give her some privacy. When his tail was curled about his hunches with his rump against the sandy floor he would speak again. “I here congratulations are in order, and that your going to be a true member of our family... although to be honest you where from the moment you stepped foot onto Donostrea” he teased her gently.

He hadn't spoken with Gaia very much he realized, other then an initial greeting and to welcome her wholly into his heart as family. She was a petite thing, blind and gentle in nature. She didn't have Voltage's energy and they seemed fairly opposite except for their compassion. But Glacier could never deny that the pair loved each other, and he thought they where a wonderful match, they balanced each other in a way even Glacier and Voltage couldn't, but that didn't negate how important Glacier was to Voltage, instead it complemented it. But he needed to know Gaia for who she was, not just for who she was to Voltage. “Do you have a favorite flower?” he asked, as he placed the snow-in-summer flower he had picked for. Its silver petals and delicate form had seemed right for her, and its name just as soft.