
A single act or many



5 Years
07-22-2015, 12:21 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She tried so very hard to appear soundly asleep in peaceful slumber, her back to her den's entrance. Each breath she took was done with measured care, attempting to mimic the rhythmic motion that her body made on its own while she was unconscious. Behind her eyelids, Anais's eyes twitched and her mind whirled, so alert she thought her guise would be easily seen through. She had to fight the natural reflex of her ears to turn upon her head and fix themselves toward the entryway, clearly listening for noises from beyond. Surely she would hear the sound of steps soon? He had to arrive around this time, right?

It had started off as a pretty sound hunch, and now the golden brown hunter was practically convinced. Small tokens had been left on her doorstep the past few mornings, seashells that varied in look and now sat in a neat pile within her den. Flowers, too, rested beside them, the Sea Holly being all the confirmation that she needed to know how it was that all these presents were finding their way to her den each morning. All she needed now was to catch the glacial blue wolf in the act and the secret would be revealed!

A soft shuffle outside of the den caused her ears to instinctively perk and with some effort Anais managed to relax them again even as her expression, thankfully hidden, twitched with her concentration not to move. Was it him? Was he dropping off another flower? The girl waited, impatient as she strained to hear, and thought she heard another soft shuffle. Afraid that she might miss her chance her lemon-gold eyes flew open and her head swung up and around to glance behind her. Was that a piece of a blue tail that she saw retreating?

She scrambled, all pretense of sleep gone, and got to the entrance of her den. A wide grin stretched across her face, her eyes narrowing on the hulking figure that was impossible to miss as he attempted to stealth his way out from her den, and triumphantly she called out, "Aha!" Almost forgetting his purpose there, Anais dropped her gaze to the floor as an afterthought and spotted the brilliant golden shade of the rose where it lay at her feet. "Oh." The smile upon her face softened as she stared at the bloom, touched by the sweet gesture and the beautiful token he had brought for her this time. He seemed to outdo himself with each new gift.

If she could have picked it up and clutched it to her chest, she would have. She inclined her head and delicately sniffed at it, scenting its sweet, subtle fragrance and practically sighing as she exhaled. It really was a beautiful flower. Looking up and over at Glacier, she continued to smile. "I knew you were my secret admirer," she answered gently but with every confidence.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.