
We're beautiful now

Athena I


9 Years
07-19-2015, 10:06 PM

When Thanatos spoke she pulled her gaze back to him and she would scoff softly with a small shake of her head when he offered an option for her troubles. "Well... I suppose you could say that." She glanced down at the pool of water beside her and sighed. Something missing? Perhaps. It was ridiculous to think anything was wrong with her life really. She had four sons and two adopted daughters that she loved more than herself, a wife that was more than she could have ever asked for, and a home that kept all of them safe and offered her a position that she could be proud of. Sure, they weren't in the north any more and she was basically cut off from any other Armadas, but in her opinion that was a small sacrifice to pay to be able to keep her wife and children safe and happy.

She lifted her ruby and emerald gaze back to her new acquaintance after a moment as she considered her troubles. "I have a wonderful life," she started confidently. She smiled a little as she went on, "I have no right to complain about any of it. I have four sons from my previous marriage- I had married when I was the alpha of a pack because I needed that support. I did love him at one point I think... but in the end I realized I loved him for the wrong reasons. But, none of the less, I have four wonderful sons and my wife and I have adopted two girls along the way as well. I'm blessed to have them all. I just..." She sighed and glanced away again, finding it hard to look him in the eye when she was admitting a truth that she even had a hard time admitting to Amalia. "I guess I had always pictured myself with a lot of children. I grew up with a huge family since my father had a ton of litters. I don't want to be like my father of course, I love my children very much and am a much more dedicated parent than he ever was, but... I guess I'm just sad that I'll never have any more kids. I'm only three years old and I've already had my only litter."

She sighed again and put a small smile on her lips as she looked at Thanatos again. "I'm sorry, I don't usually spill like this. I just feel like I can't talk about this to my wife since she already feels bad that she can't give me children... I just had to get it off my chest I guess." It did feel better having it out in the open and not just trapped up in her to fester and worry her. It was just so sad to think that she had a problem with no solution.

"Talk" "You" Think