
I only call you when it's half past five


07-19-2015, 10:34 PM

Pale gray paws moved slowly through the willows while ruby eyes glanced here and there around him. He had left his brother, if only breifly, to scout ahead and see just what this new place had to offer them. He cared not if his large paws splashed through the small streams around him or not, he moved without really paying attention to what was under him. He wove in between the willow trees while the moonlight glittered off of his monochromatic coat. He hadn't really slept much since they left. He stole naps here and there, but he let his brother sleep through the night while he went ahead some to see where they should head next.

He slowed to a stop as a hint of another wolf's scent caught his attention- a female scent at that. His head turned in the direction of the scent and his gaze searched the darkness for the source. His current objective forgotten, he made his way toward the scent and the woman that was sure to be attached to it. He tracked the scent carefully till he finally spotted the little thing, the reward for his search. He stood silently several feet away for a moment to just glance over her form before finally slipping out of the shadows of one of the willows and stepping into the moonlight in front of her.  "Hello there," he rumbled while he padded closer till he was standing maybe a foot from her, never breaking the eye contact with her.

"Talk" "You" Think