
New Kat Plots



6 Years
07-19-2015, 11:54 PM (This post was last modified: 07-20-2015, 12:28 AM by Vail.)
Pretty much all ideas will be taken into consideration, there are a few notes with each char as a basic guideline. Mostly I'd be looking for threads with a basic goal in mind, I like seeing where threads go naturally ^^

  • Bacchus | 1 year | Single | Straight? | Fiori
  • - going on a trip with his sister/best friend abby. Dunno if i'm looking for much for him, but it would be interesting to see him take a darker turn.

  • Deimos | 4 years | Single | Straight? | Loner
  • - My current bad boy, looking for she wolves to woo and fights to get into. rivals, enemies, slaves, flings, concubines, whatever throw 'em at me. Not looking to settle down.

  • Faria | 1 year | Single | Straight? | Loner
  • - Currently kicking it with Steel, I have no big plans for her, but I would like her to become a little more promiscuous? She's almost two so plots to nudge her in that direction would be fun.

  • Frith | 5 years | Married | Straight | Threar
  • - My Alpha boy, he needs to find people to recruit into Threar, particularly those interested in fighting. His heart is taken but it might be amusing if a lady in the pack had a crush on him.

  • Gaia | 2 years | To be Wed | Straight | Donostrea
  • - my little silver blind girl, currently pregnant with her mate Voltage's babies. Scared about that and wont be leaving the den much so really Dono wolves only until the babies come. Even then Volt is vedy protective.

  • Isolde | 3 years | Single | Bisexual | Loner
  • - Isolde has been through a lot recently, is a newly freed slave, lost her children and her mate, needs maybe a friend or two and probably some lovers to help cheer her up.

  • Mercury
  • - pretty much closed

  • Neith | 2 years | Single | Bisexual | Loner
  • - Neith is my little flirt, she's a lot of fun in that respect but it's hard to get in her pants. She's always adventuring and on the go, need to get her post count up so you can throw erry'body at her.

  • Novel | 3 years | Married | Bisexual | Fiori
  • - going on a trip to find Ara's parents right now. Trying to figure out a way to possibly get her pregnant or find some babies for her and her mate to raise.

  • Psalm | 1 year | Single | idek | Fiori
  • - Might be leaving the pack to go on some adventures, don't have any major plots going for him but he's almost two and it'll be interesting to see him get some crushes on.

  • Revenge | 2 years | Idek Straight? | Single | Imperium
  • - My quiet, grumpy, healer man. He can be really sensitive and sweet if he lets you in. Been pretty bummed since he fought with Mercy. Really want to get him someone to teach him poisons.

  • Rhythm | 3 years | Taken | Straight? | Imperium
  • - Her world revolves around Valentine and her sister's daughters. Not really looking for anything in particular for her but she will happily heal wounds or spar.

  • Shai | 4 years | Married | Straight | Abaven
  • - My southern Native, Shai's ife revolves around keeping his family healthy and happy. Mostly closed to plots but it would be nice if he actually had a friend or two in Abaven.

  • Vail | 1 Season | Single | Dunno | Abaven
  • - My new adorable baby! Needs to meet all the Abaven wolves! She wont be exploring outside of Abaven for a while, but look for that in a few weeks! No giant plots in mind for her so ideas are welcome