
Lo, there do I see my father (RAID)



5 Years
07-20-2015, 10:52 AM
Filthy pirates is what they were, sneaking into his home to try and steal from him. The leader of the group would deny his order, doing nothing but cause the man to more heavily place his defenses. As she spoke His hackles would raise even higher, his eyes would narrow and his lips would pull back to allow his teeth to shine in the moonlight. He'd lower his proud head to align his neck with his spine and tail (which was standing straight out behind him for balance) as he bent his knees and distributed his weight more evenly throughout his limbs. He'd roll his shoulders forward and tuck his chin. He'd spread his toes and sink his claws into the earth. "If it were only myself I would not allow you to enter with out first besting me." Though he would have liked to boast such great skill the reality was he wouldn't have ever been able to hold off all of her wolves on his own.

Before even Frith could react again Feli was on the one who had taken to voice besides their leader. (Who he might have recognized if he hadn't been so caught up in what they were doing.) Frith wouldn't hold back any longer, and giving the order his sons and daughters needed Frith would, "Charge!" Katja had closed the distance between them even before she spoke her demand. Frith was only a couple of feet from her, but he would still try to put as much momentum into the one stride he'd have to reach her. As he attempted to come at her Frith would dig his claws into the earth and push off with as much force as he could.

As he lifted his front paws to take his next step he'd instead want to continue lifting his front legs. He'd redistribute his weight, balancing with his back legs as he tried to use his displaced mass to enhance his attack. Frith would aim to simultaneously slam the upper center of his chest against the front base of her neck. He'd want to choke her with the sudden attack, hopefully collapsing her lower wind pipe as he aimed to wrap his upper limbs around her shoulders. His left front leg would aim to go around to her right side side to aim at her upper right shoulder while his right limb would aim around her left upper shoulder. Frith would want to use his claws to grasp hold of her scruff with both front paws on their respective sides.

As he attempted to draw near to her the Author would open his chocolatey jaws, he'd aim to take hold of the side of her face. He'd want to shift his features to his left swiveling his head so his upper jaw would aim to land upon her right eye, hopefully using his right upper canine to pierce the ball and take her sight while he was at it. His lower jaw would aim to land directly beneath her right eye, seeking intense lacerations.

Frith v Katja for Dominance round 1 of 2
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