



3 Years
07-20-2015, 12:29 PM

Lysis hadn't expected to stumble upon one of her nephews today. She didn't know that Drashiel had been buried here, in these lands - no one had bothered to tell her. If it'd been up to her, she would've found a way to drag his body north and let him be immortalized in the snow and ice of their childhood. She had no doubt he would have preferred it that way.

But she knew little of his death, and certainly nothing of his burial. She did, however, hear Atreides talking aloud as she roamed about the knolls. Curious, her ears would perk, quite attentive as they swiveled to get a better sense of what he was saying. Her pace would slow, a selfish desire to hear what he was saying - and who he was speaking to - suddenly overwhelming her. His was the only scent she could distinguish here, and her nose would wrinkle as she crept closer curiously.

It was clear who he was speaking to, before he even said the word dad. Drashiel. Her heart clenched painfully in her chest. He was not the only one who grieved for him still. She did not speak to him like Atreides did. She saw no reason to. Did it ease the pain he felt, she wondered? After a moment of thinking, she would slip even closer to him. Her usual smile was gone from her lips, replaced with a far more serious, inquisitive look. "Does he ever answer you?" came her soft question, not wanting to startle him and definitely not wanting to make him feel awkward that she'd overhead him, though she figured that part was unavoidable.. and yet she felt inclined to ask anyway.

Kyarst, her half-brother and closest friend, is allowed in any and all of her threads.