
Gather the Devil's Hoard


07-20-2015, 01:07 PM

She was close by, as she would be for the rest of her days now. Sin wandered on ahead, and the brown female trailed behind, her light blue eyes shining with light. Arietta was happy, for her purpose, her place, had been discovered and earned. She had fought Sin in a spar, proving her worth. The female felt pride swelling in her chest. It was knowing she was a strong mother that made her even more happy about the surprise that had come after the spar.

She now carried more of Sin’s children.

The little babes were forming within her belly, safe and secure. They would be hellraisers, just as their father aimed to be. Soon this world would know the name of her beloved. It was only a matter of time as he gathered more and more followers. A smile crossed onto her lips as she sat, waiting for the children that she and Sin had together. It had been long since had last seen her babies... But children they were no longer. That would be all the more evident as they arrived.

"Listen to me talk" 'and know my thoughts.'