
I only call you when it's half past five


07-20-2015, 02:49 PM

He watched her tremble, but wouldn't make any move to back away or avert his gaze. Why would he? He liked her and he couldn't see a reason to waste any second of their meeting being away from her. Her ears would perk back up at his prompting and the slightest smile could touch his lips for just a moment before his expression would return to his signature deadpan stare. She gave him her name and he liked the sound of it. It was a dainty name for a dainty woman. "Isolde," he repeated back softly, testing out the feel of her name on his tongue.

She returned the question to him and he would answer easily. He knew well enough that hiding his identity did him no good if he wanted her to not go running off. It was never fun chasing women down like that. "Gethin Zatol. He leaned forward again, brushing his nose across her cheek and scruff as he took in her scent. He wondered if all of the ladies around here were this pretty or if he just so happened to run across a gem here in the middle of this willow forest. "What brings a little lovely like you out here in the middle of the night?" he asked as he brought his muzzle up to her ear and gently tugged on the delicate skin between his teeth.

"Talk" "You" Think