
Something always brings me back to you



8 Years
Athena I
07-20-2015, 09:02 PM

His twin would explain a bit more about what was causing her distress and it certainly helped him understand more clearly. It was a tough thing to think about sometimes. They were so joined at the hip that it was hard to imagine having anyone else important in their lives. While it hadn't really been something he had thought about before he could see that it was clearly something Selini had been brooding on for a while now and he wanted to be sure that he answered her very carefully. He knew he would never leave her behind, but at the same time he couldn't promise that he would never 'pair up' as she put it. Life was full of twists and turns and there was no promise of what tomorrow would bring.

"I'm never going to leave you behind," he began, making sure that point was clear before he said anything else. His expression was serious and sincere as he spoke. He meant every word he said and when he spoke he spoke from the heart. "You and I were paired together at birth, my moon, maybe even before that. I could never leave you." He paused for a moment to consider his words. "Don't you know I would never do anything to hurt you? If I do have a mate one day it's not because I'm trying to leave you behind or replace you. It's because I've found someone that I want to be a part of our family. Because I found someone that I want to share with you and the rest of our siblings."

He sighed softly and smiled, placing a small kiss on the side of her muzzle while he continued to hold her close. Perhaps to anyone else cuddling with their sister like this would be odd, but for him it felt completely normal. Seleni was his missing half and when they were this close was when he felt the most whole. "Did that help any, my moon? I hate when you're upset."
