
I never knew daylight could be so violent



5 Years
07-20-2015, 09:16 PM

Laoch was a little surprised to hear about Surreal and her clan being here, but it was a pleasant surprise and it gave him something happy to think about for a moment. A very brief moment, but it was there none of the less. When Arda asked what was wrong he sighed and his shoulders drooped. He knew he had to tell her, it was just so hard to do, especially considering everything they had talked about right before he had left the last time. He sighed and forced himself to meet her gaze. "Arda... father has passed away. He was gone before I got back home the last time." His ears flattened against his skull and his gaze drifted down to his paws. He knew there was no way he could have prevented his death. There was no way to stop him from aging or catching illnesses. Still, Laoch couldn't help but feel guilty since their father passed away when he was gone. "Mother said he passed in his sleep and that she had done everything she could to help him feel better in his last couple of hours so it wasn't like he suffered... if that helps anything." He sighed and lifted his head again. Now that he had delivered the news he had hoped maybe the weight on his shoulders would lessen, but if anything it felt heavier. The grief was more than he had ever expected. They all knew their father was older than their mother by a couple of years and with all the miles he had traveled in his life it was no wonder that he deteriorated at the rate he had. All in all his death wasn't unexpected... but Laoch was still shocked and hurt by his passing all the same.

"Talk" "You" Think