
Gather the Devil's Hoard



6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-21-2015, 02:28 AM (This post was last modified: 07-30-2015, 07:22 PM by Sin.)

One by one they drew towards him like a moths to a flame. His burning gaze hovered upon each child in turn, admiring the strength they emanated already. Turning towards Forsaken, he regarded him with a raised brow at his comment. "Come now Forsaken, did you think I'd be gone forever? You're sorely mistaken." He stepped towards him until he was just in front his son, amber gaze meeting the ferocious gaze of his Son's golden stare. A smile slowly spread upon his maw, pleased that Forsaken looked so well. "It's good to see you too, Son. You're ferocity and strength will be well known soon enough." He purred.

Turning to move towards his only daughter, he stopped before her as well. "You've grown beautifully, my little Paradox. You too, exude strength that the world will come to know. I didn't tell you this the other day, but now that we are here you will know why." Granting her a soft kiss to her head, something that nobody else in the world would ever see asides from his family, he'd smile at her. Her question from earlier had not gone unheard, "I've brought you a new toy." He glanced at Squirrel, the new addition to their forming plans. Then turned back to her and winked.

Finally, his last Son. Facing Enigma, he gazed steadily at him. And in turn, Enigma gazed back steadily, unblinking. A smile slowly spread across Sin's maw once more, Enigma's darkness, just like his brother Forsaken and his sister Paradox, emanated from him. They were his children alright, and he could be no prouder. "Enigma, you are a near spitting image of me. Your strength and cunning will be put to good use." His gaze moved from Enigma to Squirrel, a rather loud chuckle leaving his body. "You're sorely mistaken, child. That creature is not related to you. As if I'd produce something like that! Get your head straight boy, you know me better." He offered a rough yet playful bump at Enigma's unoccupied shoulder with his own as he turned to move back to Arietta's side. Facing them all once more.

"Also, thank you for the prey, Son. That is very generous of you." He commented. It was time to get down to business, first, however, he'd introduce his new little 'friend.' "I'd like to introduce to you, a new little toy I've acquired for your enjoyment. Don't be too rough on him, he's quite...useful." His gaze then turned towards Squirrel, tail flicking to indicate towards the boy to come forth. "Come, introduce yourself boy. I promise they won't bite...too hard anyway." Turning his gaze back towards his family, he added "His name is Squirrel. Try to play nice now, children. He's yours to do as you wish, however." With that first thing tended to, Sin glanced down at Arietta, licking the top of her head.

"I've not forgotten about you, my sweet. Look at our beautiful children...and soon, there will be more." He gently nosed her belly, awaiting the day his new spawn would tear into this world. "Also, you will have new siblings to teach soon. Your mother is expecting. There's more then that, however." He'd brought them up to current news so far, and before he'd say more he'd let them pick his mind or say what they needed to get off their chest. And if Arietta wanted to go and coddle them a bit, he wouldn't protest. It had been some time since they'd all been together, and now that they were all here, there was plenty of time and chances to get up to speed.

"Listen to my talk" 'and know my thoughts.'