
Lo, there do I see my father (RAID)

Katja the First


8 Years
07-21-2015, 12:03 PM

When the young male (Feli, not Frith) rushed, Katja reacted instinctively, dropping into a fighter's stance on the instant. Her paws slid to just over shoulder- and hip-width apart to widen her stance, her knees and elbows bending slightly to lower her center of gravity, the joints going loose to flow more easily into movement, and she centered herself, distributing her weight evenly to all four limbs. Her head dropped evenly with her back as her tail came to rest level with her spine. Her head pulled back slightly against her shoulders' forward motion, pushing the loose skin and fur of her ruff up in a protective barrier as her chin tilted down slightly to protect her throat. Her ears flattened to her skull, her silver eyes narrowing to slits as her toes spread apart and her nails dug into the earth and her hackles rose in silent readiness.

The boy's fierce rush brought him past her to Kapra, but her preparation was not in vain for Frith gave a shout and threw himself toward her as well. She ducked her head and crouched further, sidestepping to her right and forward just slightly as he rushed the short distance and reared in an attempt to grapple with her. Her motion allowed her to escape his attempt to strike her throat, for her head and body were lowered enough to allow her to duck beneath his raised left forelimb as she sidestepped so only the left side of his chest landed upon the top of her left shoulder. His chest being softer than her shoulder, it bruised her only mildly as his greater weight came down on it. His attempt to wrap his arms around her neck caught only air, her sidestep causing his right foreleg to miss entirely to slide down her left side with no damage. Though his left elbow did land on the bunched-up scruff of fur between her shoulders where her neck joined her back, the sharp point leaving a moderate bruise there while the left foreleg draped diagonally across her back from there to her left side. His bite, aimed for her right eye, would have nothing to grasp with her head already lowered and beyond his reach with his own body between them.

Shifting her balance to her hindquarters to take the weight off her forelegs Katja sought to snake her right foreleg beneath his belly - in front of his left hind leg - in an attempt to hook her paw around the back of his right hindleg just above his paw and jerk it toward her. In conjunction with this, her claws digging into the ground for traction she attempted to shove forward and up with her hindquarters in a sharp, powerful movement like the uncoiling of a spring as she sought to drive the blade of her left shoulder into his sternum just below his throat in an attempt to drive the wind out of him and overbalance him. As she did she twisted her head so her muzzle pointed toward her left and sought to bury her fangs into his left side, near the bottom of the soft area almost halfway between ribs and hips, in an attempt to open his abdominal cavity and spill his intestines upon the ground.

See if he would be so eager to fight tangled in his own organs.

A weird light shone in her shifting mercury gaze, and the guttural sound in her throat was only half snarl, the sound oddly rhythmic as she half chanted the names of the gods as she fought. Odin! Freyja! Tyr! Odin! Freyja! Tyr!


Round 1/2

OOC Notes: