
Crawling in my skin

Katja the First


8 Years
07-21-2015, 02:13 PM (This post was last modified: 07-21-2015, 03:05 PM by Tealah.)

It seemed to her that if people needed to talk, they would talk if you sat quietly long enough, and such proved to be the case here. As the silence grew longer, Vereux spoke. She remained silent, reserving judgement and watching him with little expression as he voiced what he needed to, and she let him talk himself out. Even after he'd said his piece and silence drew it's long shadows over them once again, she said nothing at first and simply turned her thoughtful gaze back to the tumbling, swirling water at their feet. "Do you know," she began finally, a curious lilt to her voice, "what the symbol you bear means, Vereux?" To many it may have seemed quite aside from the subject at hand, but to Katja it could not have been more relevant. Whether he did or not, she continued on. "It is the runic symbol Tiwaz. The rune represents Tyr, the god of law, of war, and of glory. To use it is to dedicate the marked object to Tyr and to call upon Tyr in battle. Long ago warriors among my people would paint themselves with the rune before going into battle in the hopes that Tyr would grant them his favor. * It is a good rune. A good choice."

She turned her gaze to him again, to pick up the thread of the conversation. "It is no measure of your worth to the pack if it happens you do not get along perfectly with everyone. It is how you choose to work beside one another that matters. It is working toward a common goal and learning to care for all in the pack despite your personal feelings. Laufey is moody, and touchy. Finnvi often are, particularly in that branch of the family. We are more wont to solve our differences in violence than perhaps what you are used to, and to find comfort and fellowship in the gods." She tilted her head. "When I first came to Alacratia, I joined a pack that was entirely unlike anything I had known, so I can understand how you could feel like an outsider even within your own pack. Though Raisa Xanilov was an admirable woman and I still respect her greatly, her packmates were soft, foolish children and I often felt alone among them. Their very way of life was so foreign to what I knew - if I tried to fit in there, I would lose myself."

Her gaze slipped to the water once again to contemplate its depths. "Perhaps I was overeager when I accepted your oaths. Perhaps you must learn more of our ways before you make the decision to bind yourself to us so strongly. The oaths of thegn are nothing to be undertaken lightly and with little knowledge, and I am afraid I allowed you to rush headlong into something you were ill prepared for. If it is what you desire, I would release you from the rank of thegn and the oaths you swore. There are those who would gladly undertake to teach you our ways, myself among them, and there are warrior ranks among the karl as well where you can still fight while you learn of our culture. There are others among our ranks who have not found themselves called to take the oaths; there is no shame in it."


* human vikings didn't do this as far as I know but they did carve the rune into weapons for a similar reason. Yay history lesson!