
Lo, there do I see my father (RAID)


07-21-2015, 08:25 PM

Damn this man and his gods! Damn them all! Félicien would snarl as well, lips parted as he kept his head aligned with his spin. Chin was tipped forward, to protect his throat. Félicien was not stupid as these vikings might have mistaken. Tail would flag out behind him now like a banner, shoulders rolled forward into his attack as front claws came crashing down upon upon the face of his opponent. Flesh would tear away on one side, someone else already having gotten the honor of taking the man’s eye, while the other went away with a grotesque squish of claw.

But Félicien didn’t focus on that fact. He staggered on his back legs, trying to back away from his opponent as he came surging forward. He came down, bringing his head closer to his body and parting jaw jaws. Eyes were narrowed and ears pinned, fangs seeking to grab onto the gaping muzzle of his opponent as he came crashing to the earth [counter]. Like his opponent he held no fear, only the anger of these strangers upon his land. His body weight would shift to compromise with balance as his paws came back towards the earth.

Félicien vs Kaprasíus For Raid || Round:: II/II

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen